Summer in the CBC Psalms
As we move through this season in the life of our church, our emotions run high. Poetry is one of the great avenues of connection, allowing the mind to understand through the eyes of the heart. We invite you to submit your psalms to as you allow your emotions and imagination to have a voice in these very different and challenging days. If you'd like to contribute, send your psalm to [email protected]. God's grace be with you all!
Psalm 1 - Carlos Tejeda
Thank you, Father, for You are with me always.
Thank you, Father, for You saved.
Before I was a thought, You loved.
From the time I was cell, You looked after me. It was You who put air in my lungs, woke me at my birth. It was You who kept me alive when my body couldn’t protect itself.
Father, You lifted me up when my feet could not do it on its own and carried my body to my destination.
How many times have You walked beside me as my enemies ready themselves for attack?
You, it was You who put fear into the hearts of those who sought to hurt.
When I slept, You were always with me.
No demon, no monster, no other worldly figure has conquered over me for You protect.
I was and You found.
I sought other gods, cursed You, refused You, left You, hated You, and attacked You,
but Father You never let me go. You are my Father and You are always with me.
Psalm 2 - Coral Aubert
I sing, I shout out loud to the Rock of my Salvation.
YOU have granted me more than I deserve.
I know You well and learned to trust You over the precious years you have granted me!
All I have and possess come from You. Continue to fuel me, fill me up with Your Word. Overflow all my senses and all my passions.
You are the only Awesome. You alone are Awesome there is no one, no thing that can ever measure up to You.
You are the Highest, Greatest, Allelujah!
Psalm 3 - Jean Thelusme (Reflections on Psalm 145:15)
While we are home quarantine from COVID our minds, hearts, and eyes are fixated on you LORD. You alone provide everyone in the community Food at the proper time each and every day.
Psalm 4 - Ron Pusey (Reflections on Romans 8:5-7)
Lord Almighty when I consider my state of mind today am I living according to the flesh or according to the Spirit. Lord Holy Spirit please continue to mold me and move me to your choosing. Keep me on the path to seek you always. Giving thanks and praises!
Psalm 5 - Clarence Manuel (Steps of Trust)
My precious King, you are my father, source, sustainer, and power against unrighteousness and fear. I thank you for directing my life and challenging me to become more consistent in my faith, and a better servant to you, my wife and daughter. I thank you for continually testing my faith and obedience. My feet are in place and I will never turn back. This is not just a new wave of excitement. Help me O Lord to stand firm in my faith and believe your will. Thank you for guiding me this week in my experiments. You reminded me to take the step, trust you, ask for help, and get out of the way. Keep mine eyes and ears focused on you. Yes Lord!
Thank you, Father, for You are with me always.
Thank you, Father, for You saved.
Before I was a thought, You loved.
From the time I was cell, You looked after me. It was You who put air in my lungs, woke me at my birth. It was You who kept me alive when my body couldn’t protect itself.
Father, You lifted me up when my feet could not do it on its own and carried my body to my destination.
How many times have You walked beside me as my enemies ready themselves for attack?
You, it was You who put fear into the hearts of those who sought to hurt.
When I slept, You were always with me.
No demon, no monster, no other worldly figure has conquered over me for You protect.
I was and You found.
I sought other gods, cursed You, refused You, left You, hated You, and attacked You,
but Father You never let me go. You are my Father and You are always with me.
Psalm 2 - Coral Aubert
I sing, I shout out loud to the Rock of my Salvation.
YOU have granted me more than I deserve.
I know You well and learned to trust You over the precious years you have granted me!
All I have and possess come from You. Continue to fuel me, fill me up with Your Word. Overflow all my senses and all my passions.
You are the only Awesome. You alone are Awesome there is no one, no thing that can ever measure up to You.
You are the Highest, Greatest, Allelujah!
Psalm 3 - Jean Thelusme (Reflections on Psalm 145:15)
While we are home quarantine from COVID our minds, hearts, and eyes are fixated on you LORD. You alone provide everyone in the community Food at the proper time each and every day.
Psalm 4 - Ron Pusey (Reflections on Romans 8:5-7)
Lord Almighty when I consider my state of mind today am I living according to the flesh or according to the Spirit. Lord Holy Spirit please continue to mold me and move me to your choosing. Keep me on the path to seek you always. Giving thanks and praises!
Psalm 5 - Clarence Manuel (Steps of Trust)
My precious King, you are my father, source, sustainer, and power against unrighteousness and fear. I thank you for directing my life and challenging me to become more consistent in my faith, and a better servant to you, my wife and daughter. I thank you for continually testing my faith and obedience. My feet are in place and I will never turn back. This is not just a new wave of excitement. Help me O Lord to stand firm in my faith and believe your will. Thank you for guiding me this week in my experiments. You reminded me to take the step, trust you, ask for help, and get out of the way. Keep mine eyes and ears focused on you. Yes Lord!
Psalm 6 - Jill Fortune
I awaken to a fresh day filled with its new challenges, joys and sometimes, disappointments, yet I thrive. I can meet these challenges with joy and victory because God promises to be with me. He gives me complete and easy movement in my body and limbs and blesses me with a sound mind as I rise and face the day. He orders my steps providing me with direction as I go through unchartered territory. I GIVE HIM THE PRAISE.
Walks in the early hours of the morning, before the onset of people, I am surrounded by the quietness of the Corvid-19 streets. He opens my eyes to see the beauty of nature in all His Glory. Right there in the park, over there in the neighborhood green spaces, He splashes beautiful, dazzling colors on flowers and greens the trees and foliage for all to enjoy. He lowers my gaze and directs my eyes to the sidewalk chalk-written scripture left overnight by a believer. I GIVE HIM THE PRAISE
He fills my heart with prayer and compassion for those who are still slumbering in their sidewalk, concrete, makeshift bedrooms when I pass by. He fills my heart with joy and gratitude as I acknowledge my many, undeserved blessings. I GIVE HIM THE PRAISE. He is my friend, my Savior who listens to my troubles and makes a way out of no way. He places a song of worship in my heart that remains throughout the day, strengthening me with hope and encouragement. I GIVE HIM THE PRAISE.
He gives me the gift of salvation with the promise of eternal life. I GIVE HIM THE PRAISE.
Psalm 7 - Carlos Tejeda
Every day I see something evil. Another person shot, another mother killed, another unexplainable situation with a sad out outcome. And yet as the world slowly kills itself with poison, with knives, with fire, there is God. My God, as the world burns you save all those who call your name, your people call on and you save them. Your people suffer but you save them. Your people are killed, and you raise them high. Your people know you, your people lean on you, your people have seen your works and know you are good.
Psalm 8 - Clarence Manuel (Yes, Lord)
Yes, Lord: You deserve my obedience.
Yes, Lord: You deserve my trust.
Yes, Lord: You deserve my patience.
Yes, Lord: You deserve my faithfulness and commitment.
Yes, Lord: my will is not equal to Yours. My mouth must never inhibit my ability to hear from You.
Yes, Lord: I will forever be deficient and in need of Your strength, healing, direction and love.
Hallelujah to our sovereign Lord!
Humble us daily and test our faithfulness.
Let our lives cry out to You and reflect Your character and will for the world.
Yes, Lord!
I awaken to a fresh day filled with its new challenges, joys and sometimes, disappointments, yet I thrive. I can meet these challenges with joy and victory because God promises to be with me. He gives me complete and easy movement in my body and limbs and blesses me with a sound mind as I rise and face the day. He orders my steps providing me with direction as I go through unchartered territory. I GIVE HIM THE PRAISE.
Walks in the early hours of the morning, before the onset of people, I am surrounded by the quietness of the Corvid-19 streets. He opens my eyes to see the beauty of nature in all His Glory. Right there in the park, over there in the neighborhood green spaces, He splashes beautiful, dazzling colors on flowers and greens the trees and foliage for all to enjoy. He lowers my gaze and directs my eyes to the sidewalk chalk-written scripture left overnight by a believer. I GIVE HIM THE PRAISE
He fills my heart with prayer and compassion for those who are still slumbering in their sidewalk, concrete, makeshift bedrooms when I pass by. He fills my heart with joy and gratitude as I acknowledge my many, undeserved blessings. I GIVE HIM THE PRAISE. He is my friend, my Savior who listens to my troubles and makes a way out of no way. He places a song of worship in my heart that remains throughout the day, strengthening me with hope and encouragement. I GIVE HIM THE PRAISE.
He gives me the gift of salvation with the promise of eternal life. I GIVE HIM THE PRAISE.
Psalm 7 - Carlos Tejeda
Every day I see something evil. Another person shot, another mother killed, another unexplainable situation with a sad out outcome. And yet as the world slowly kills itself with poison, with knives, with fire, there is God. My God, as the world burns you save all those who call your name, your people call on and you save them. Your people suffer but you save them. Your people are killed, and you raise them high. Your people know you, your people lean on you, your people have seen your works and know you are good.
Psalm 8 - Clarence Manuel (Yes, Lord)
Yes, Lord: You deserve my obedience.
Yes, Lord: You deserve my trust.
Yes, Lord: You deserve my patience.
Yes, Lord: You deserve my faithfulness and commitment.
Yes, Lord: my will is not equal to Yours. My mouth must never inhibit my ability to hear from You.
Yes, Lord: I will forever be deficient and in need of Your strength, healing, direction and love.
Hallelujah to our sovereign Lord!
Humble us daily and test our faithfulness.
Let our lives cry out to You and reflect Your character and will for the world.
Yes, Lord!